About Me Monday-Sweet 16
I was not allowed to date until I was 16, however I got away with 'playing at dating' with a guy since my mom and dad loved him. His name is Wayne. Wayne and his best friend Doug loved my mom and dad too. Sometimes Wayne and Doug would come to my house to visit my parents and not me.
Wayne would probably say that the best memory of us would be the night he took me home from a basketball game. I was walking into my house and he was watching me from his truck. I felt a little uncomfortable with him watching me so I began to jog. My hand were full of stuff and there was snow on the ground. I forgot about the sprinkler head that stuck up out of the ground. Since it was covered with snow and it was dark out with just the porch light on I could not see it. Of course my foot hit the sprinkler and I went flying. All the things in my arms went flying in all directions and I landed with my face in the snow bank from my dad shoveling the walk. Wayne fell out of his truck on to the ground laughing. Eventually he came and helped me up.
Wayne and I were a couple for a little over a year when he went away to college. He would come home to visit and take me out some times. My best friend at the time, Marty, knew that my 16th birthday was coming up and that Wayne was unable to come home to celebrate it with me. She was not about to let my birthday go by with out a date. She set me up with another guy from the high school by the name of Weston. We planned to go to the dance and to get ice cream.
The night of my birthday was a basketball game. That year I was on the drill team. I remember sitting in the stands, in my uniform cheering and waiting for halftime to perform. I looked out the door to the gym and saw Wayne. He had come home from college to surprise me for my birthday. It was definitely a surprise! I now had 2 dates for the night.
I ran out into the hall to greet him and then explained my dilemma. He did not think it was a dilemma at all and wanted me to cancel with Weston. I refused and asked him if we could go out the next day.
Needless to say that was our last date even though we were not dating! *winky face